miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Lessons about Leadership and Teamwork

Movie Review "INVICTUS"

Well, in the movie "Invictus" can see a great example of a leader (Mandela and Francois) and teamwork. One of the main aspects shown on the main characters of the movie is leadership, Nelson Mandela (South African President) shows that a leader is not only the one in front of everyone giving orders and directing, a good leader is the that is behind all of the people who were with him, a good leader is the one who always support all around you, a good leader is the one who always shows humility. Francois (Springbook’s captain) distrusted black people until they met with President Mandela, I was there when he changed his mind and decided to be a good leader and lead his team to become World Champion.

In conclusion, humility and teamwork are very important aspects of a good leader; these aspects can also evident in each of us, because each one of us can be great leaders in the future and help others, teaching them values ​​such as humility, solidarity and responsibility.

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Writing Process

Movie Review - "INVICTUS"

1.  Nelson Mandela after various years, he was released from prison on February 11, 1990.
2.  Nelson Mandela stayed in Victor Verstev jail for 30 years approximately.
3.  Nelson Mandela's release caused much happiness in the black people of South Africa, but the white people caused disgust.
4.  When Nelson Mandela became president, he came to Government’s house and he held a meeting to know it they will stay or they will go.
5.  Jason, Mandela's security boss, talked with the other mens of special team, about who came up to protect the president.
6.  Nelson Mandela told Jason that liberty and forgiveness is important in the new South Africa.
7.  Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s president decided to involved all women with the same rights as men, also he decided to involve black people with the same rights as white people.
8.  Nelson Mandela decided to rule his country from a very regular and excellent way, past the difference between black people and white people.
9.  In South Africa, rugby was just for the white people and the soccer was just for the black people, but Nelson Mandela unified rugby as the national sport of South Africa, which could play white people and black people.
10.  Nelson Mandela created new laws for a good connivance between black people and white people, the new South Africa.

The True Meaning of Christmas - News Report #4

For many people, Christmas it is one of the most anticipated festivals of the year, but often we celebrate without knowing what their true meaning. For most people, Christmas is the time when we imagine a child in a crib and imagine a time of gifts, but never imagine the true meaning of Christmas. During many years the true meaning of Christmas has been distorting, but what is the true meaning of Christmas?  for me the true meaning of Christmas is not just give and give many gifts, but is sharing this time with our family and our friends, it is time to help those most in need, it is time to enjoy but not necessarily with gifts .
For me the true meaning of Christmas is love, but everyone has to find what is the true meaning of Christmas.

The Christmas Spirit Takes Possession of English Classroom !

Today started Christmas in our high school since the Christmas Spirit invaded all our classrooms in a surprising way that could feel what was so we all get together and we started to decorate our classroom. The Christmas Spirit that had invaded us was so strong that we ran low for up looking ornaments, pictures, garlands, lights, stickers, tinsels, trees, bells, etc; we started to decorate the back of the classroom, first we organized ourselves and we made a plan how we were going to do to decorate, but the Christmas Spirit could be felt, because the music sounded and we sang while we decorated, definitely the Christmas spirit had taken possession of the English classroom. We started pasting pictures, then we pasted the greatest ornaments and finally we pasted many tinsels. I brought a very very big tinsel, which we pasted in the top of the wall; then we all get together to take a picture and so we finished decoration, but the Christmas Spirit has not finished.

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Opinion about Quito's Festivities

The Quito's Festivities for many are one of the most anticipated festivities of the year, because all the events that take place during these: cultural events, parades, concerts and traditions such as "40", canelazo, "chivas", bullfighting; although last few years these festivities have lowered their boom. These parties continue to be a destination for tourists and to develop many events; in conclusion the Quito's Festivities according to my opinion are the best festivities in Ecuador.

Critic Opinion about Exposition of the Group One - "Cantuña"

The exposition of the Group One was about one of the most important legends of Quito, dramatization was good, but lacking something very important, that all group members speak, but they only were based on a person in the group tell the story, the objetive of exposition was that all members of the group speak, but did not so they returned to the boring and uninteresting story; also the costumes took were consistent with the dramatization, also they took a video as additional material, which was in Spanish, considering it is difficult to find a video related to the legends of Quito in English and therefore not questioned that aspect but it was a great help to a better understanding of the dramatization.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Time to Share

                       My Hobbies 

I'm going to talk about my hobbies; since very little I always liked to play sports when I was six years learned to play ecuavolley and then I learned to play soccer, since then I have not stopped doing until today, I have always loved volley more than soccer, when he was in fifth grade in school, "Borja 2", with the soccer team got the first place in the "COPAIN", the following year, got the third place in the “Interschool Futsal”, and when I was in the last grade we got the third since the “Soccer Interschool” and won the "Soccer Baby World Cup" in this tournament thirty-two schools participate, and which is that each school represents a country at random, in my case I had to represent Mexico, as in the World Cup is played advancing stages to win the championship. When I enter the "San Gabriel" High School, I played on the soccer team, in the San Gabriel High School, I learned to play volleyball, I was also part of the team of Pichincha volleybal with which we get the third place in the “National Games 2011”; In the “San Gabriel” high school, in first year we got the second place in “COPAIN”, in the second and third year we won various tournaments with volleyball´s team, in fifth grade we won the bichampionship in the “Interschool Volleyball”. Also I play soccer in the Atletico club "Barcelona" Floresta league, with which I got third place in the "Champion of Champions" and we won the “Cantonal Championship”. I am currently injured but play again in January and do what I like.

News Report #3 - Jhon Pereira

News Report #2 - Xavi Hernández

News Report #1 - Zinedine Zidane

domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015


My name is Jose Chavez, I was born in Quito, May 4, 2015. My father's name Patricio Chavez, he's 53 and he's a physiotherapist; my mom called Marcela, she's 51, she's a merchant, I have a sister, who is my best friend, my example of life but especially my guide, because she always gives me advice, help me and support me, also like a litlle niece, it called Camilla, has three months old and is very beautiful. My sister is a very good lawyer, when I grow up I want to be like her. When I was five enter the "Borja 2" school, where I learned many things and made many friends, when I was twelve finish school and enter the San "Gabriel" high school, one of the best in Quito, where I learned a lot more and made more friends. One of my favorite hobbies is sports, I like many play soccer and volleyball are my favorite sports, at school and at school have represented many times in different selections and have been champions many times. One of my favorite hobbies is to spend with my friends, because with them I many things and enjoyed many I am now in the last year of college, I'm studying physics, because I want to become a great engineer !!!