miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Lessons about Leadership and Teamwork

Movie Review "INVICTUS"

Well, in the movie "Invictus" can see a great example of a leader (Mandela and Francois) and teamwork. One of the main aspects shown on the main characters of the movie is leadership, Nelson Mandela (South African President) shows that a leader is not only the one in front of everyone giving orders and directing, a good leader is the that is behind all of the people who were with him, a good leader is the one who always support all around you, a good leader is the one who always shows humility. Francois (Springbook’s captain) distrusted black people until they met with President Mandela, I was there when he changed his mind and decided to be a good leader and lead his team to become World Champion.

In conclusion, humility and teamwork are very important aspects of a good leader; these aspects can also evident in each of us, because each one of us can be great leaders in the future and help others, teaching them values ​​such as humility, solidarity and responsibility.

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