jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

Reporter Speech !

Earthquakes Have Devasting Health Effects...

Earthquakes have caused over 780,000 deaths in the past decade alone, accounting for nearly 60% of all disaster related mortality, and in 2004, the tsunami crisis claimed over 200,000 lives. Millions of people are exposed to earthquakes because many of the most inhabited cities in the world are built on fault lines, like Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo, Delhi and Shanghai.

Earthquakes have the ability to cause need for complex surgical and medical care as medical facilities, roads, and bridges are destroyed and medical supplies are interrupted. this causes the mortality rate increases, because many times after earthquakes people panic and happen more earthquake aftershocks.

Earthquakes in Ecuador...

The 2016 earthquake in Ecuador was an earthquake epicenter occurred between Pedernales and Muisne parishes, had a magnitusde 7.9 degrees and affection to various places of the Ecuadorian coast, currently estimated more than 659 and many injured.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

My Goal !

My Dream is...

As soon as I am 18, I will graduate, because my dream is...
become a great civil engineer and do many buildings.
Before I turn 24, I will be a succesfull civil engineer and I will have a great job.
My family will be very excited, because I fulfilled their expectations.
Before I have the career, I will have to study hard to achieve more titles and fulfill all my dreams.. 

domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

We Can Be Heroes !

Quote of the Week

I think the quote of the week is very important as it makes us a call to be heroes, because a hero is a person who has special powers nor the ones in the movies, but a hero who matter whether it is high or small, thin or fat, but a person who is willing to help others and to overcome the problems, a hero is to be a great person.


viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

"The 80s"

The 80s were years in which the world went through some changes in various aspects, such as music, technology, fashion, politics and even the lifestyle of life of the people. During these years the United States became the focus of the world, because it had become a mundial strength after leaving victorious from World War II thereby demonstrating its full military equipament; this aspect was of great importance due to technological advances and future supposed war. One change that caught the attention of the 80s was the fall of the Berlin Wall.  As for the music, it was not a great time because two great singers died, John Lennon (The Beatles) and Bob Marley (the greates exponent reggae), but also it was made known "Thriller", video more Michael Jackson successful. But during this time the music got many trends in fashion, since broke the taboo of sexuality giving the dancing and giving the music a more sensual tone.  The 80s to the present time are two completely different times, although we have continued to go through some changes, but in the 80s it was not so easy to get something because they had no current technology; however we never stop through changes.

miércoles, 6 de enero de 2016

Morning or Night Person? - First Draft

The Night is a Good Time 

The night is a good time for me. I thing that the night is a perfect moment to do many things; for example, I usually go to parties or go dancing, also I go to concerts or just go to have fun with my friends; sometimes I stay at home and watch movies, eat pizza, relax and sleep. I like the darkness in the city.