jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

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Earthquakes Have Devasting Health Effects...

Earthquakes have caused over 780,000 deaths in the past decade alone, accounting for nearly 60% of all disaster related mortality, and in 2004, the tsunami crisis claimed over 200,000 lives. Millions of people are exposed to earthquakes because many of the most inhabited cities in the world are built on fault lines, like Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo, Delhi and Shanghai.

Earthquakes have the ability to cause need for complex surgical and medical care as medical facilities, roads, and bridges are destroyed and medical supplies are interrupted. this causes the mortality rate increases, because many times after earthquakes people panic and happen more earthquake aftershocks.

Earthquakes in Ecuador...

The 2016 earthquake in Ecuador was an earthquake epicenter occurred between Pedernales and Muisne parishes, had a magnitusde 7.9 degrees and affection to various places of the Ecuadorian coast, currently estimated more than 659 and many injured.

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